Growth & Methods Lab

About the Lab

Welcome to the Growth & Methods lab!

The G&M lab has three main areas of focus:
The primary focus is on aspects of human agency, such as personal growth initiative, and how they relate to academic and personal development, psychological well-being, and the therapeutic process. The secondary area (which can be considered a subset of the first) is international student adjustment and well-being. The final area is data collection methodology, with an emphasis on using correct statistical procedures to assess the equivalence of self-report survey data collected using paper-and-pencil and the computer.

The G&M lab also conducts three types of projects:
First, we have intensive longitudinal projects that involve the entire lab for an extended period. Second, we have shorter, more focused projects that usually include the lab director and one or two lab students. Finally, we have projects led by advanced graduate students who receive assistance from the rest of the lab, including the lab director.

To learn more about the G&M lab, check out the available links. Feel free to reach out if you would like additional information!

Ingrid K. Weigold, Ph.D.
Director, Growth & Methods Lab